There were 62 people who read the blog yesterday! Up from around 18-25 per day. I know that it's difficult to comment sometimes but it's lovely to know people are reading.
I cannot begin to thank all the people who came to see me in the hospital and brought food and books and love and cuddles. Lisa was amazing, bringing everything I needed. She even ventured into my minging room which isn't so minging anymore (thank you PoePoe the maid for cleaning my room and bringing in books). She got my laundry done. Sylvia made me pasta for lunch and brought me into the hospital in the first place. She spoke Thai to the nurses and doctors which is invaluable.
I just ate a big meal of chicken supreme and home made chips. My roommates (Ben and Lianna) went out and bought lots of food for me and we cooked together. They've been so nice and helpful. They bought me a huge bunch of yellow flowers which smell lovely! It's always fabby to live with med students because they are very knowledgable about fevers and such.
So...these are my photos from the hospital and some shots of the Dengue rash.
This is my horrendous drip which I had in for about 28-30 hours. Overnight is horrible with a drip, keep thinking you're gonna rip it out.
They were sleeping under the huge "bed sheet" towels they give you in the hospital.
Me and my drip.
Sorry this one's side-ways. But you can see all the food people brought (and made) for me.
This is the second day. I was MUCH happier because I'd been told I was allowed to go homeee!
Si Si Win came to keep me company.
And this is the horrific rash, I hatehateHATE Dengue rash! I've thought of many ways to describe it.
One is it's like an old drunk man's red face.
Another is that it feels like you're wearing trousers made of towel. But really stiff uncomfortable towel trousers. It's itchy but prickly and sensitive at the same time.
So, it was a horrible stay at the hospital but made bearable my the many amazing Burmese, Karen and Foreign friends around me who I will have to repay in some way when I'm better!
The calls and emails from friends and family back home have made this illness better and I'm so grateful for everyone's messages. Thank you.
And thank you Mum for letting the whole of Thailand and UK know about my short stint in the Pawo Hospital!
Well there has to be some benefits to having a raging extrovert for a mum! Love you. Mum
ReplyDeleteblinera statovci
ReplyDeleteAug 7th, 2010 at 10:28 pm
Dear louise i hope you get better im really sad that you are sick i hope you will fell better i wish you luck
love love love from blinera xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2 bleona statovci
Aug 7th, 2010 at 10:23 pm
Hi Louise i hope you get beter soon . and i hope Ms laing dose’t to get sad. Love Bleona
2 lovely comments above from 2 of my Campie pupils Louise. Thank you Bleona and Blinera. See you soon! Enjoy the end of your holidays. Ms Laing
ReplyDeleteJust catching up with your news. GREAT to hear that you're out of hospital. You take care. Your mum can't cope with these kind of scares.
ReplyDeleteThought you'd like to know that we had a long chat with Amnesty folk at Big Tent Festival in Fife. They're campaigning now for Burma, so we told them about Campie, Mrs Laing and your trip. They were so impressed, especially with our tent arrest on Aung San Suu Kyi's birthday. We're not forgetting.
Keep recovering. Nx
شركة تنظيف بيارات بالرياض لديها رصيد من الخبرة فى مجال تنظيف البيارات والتي تشرف عليه شركة تنظيف بيارات ونحن نقدم مجموعة من أسرع وأفضل الحلول المتاحة فى مجال تنظيف البيارات لذلك خصصنا فريق عمل من فنيين وخبراء يتم الاستعانة لهم لأجراء اعمال الصيانة واصلاح شبكة الصرف الصحي والتاكد من خلو المواسير من مشكلات تؤدي الي الانسداد وايضآ نقوم بتنظيف المجاري من اي اوساخ قد تكون علقت به ونمتلك مجموعة من الالات والمعدات الحديثة التي تمكنا من عمل فلترة ومعالجة لمياه الصرف كل هذا بفضل خبراتنا وخبرة طاقم العمل الخاص بشركتنا.
ReplyDeleteنحن شركة شفط بيارات بالرياض نضمن لك أفضل النتائج فى نهاية عملية التنظيف للبيارات فنحن نمتلك جميع المؤهلات التي تمكنا من تنفيذ عملية تنظيف شاملة سوف تجعلك تشعر بالرضاء التام فى المستقبل فنحن نتطلع لجعل حياة عملاءنا الاعزاء خالية من اي مشاكل او ضغوطات فى بيئة المنزل تجعلهم لا يشعرون بالراحة أو تسبب لهم ضيق ومخاوف من التعرض لمشكلات مرضية لهم أو لأطفالهم فمعنا سوف تضمن أعلى درجات الراحة فى المنزل.