Saturday, 31 July 2010
Sicky sick sick.
How strange, it was so horrible and painful, I really thought I had dengue. I'm glad it's gone away now though and I'll be drinking gatorade, hope it doesn't come back!
Thursday, 29 July 2010
I must blog. I must blog.

We saw little Jack there.

The kids playing opposite nursery, some people waiting to go home. That's the football pitch beside the wee pond.

This little shack is opposite my house, that's the view from the front of my house.

Mum bought me a huge pink mosquito net.

On Sunday I moved into homestay. Very sad saying goodbye to mum! Spending the night in different hotels in Mae Sot, weird. It's nice to be back at homestay though, somewhere I know well.

I went to Mae Pa that afternoon to Jack and Niamh's house. I visited Jack's sister Naw Blay. Later on Jack and I went to the Dam and he taught me how to ride the motorcycle! I'm fabby at it, I might rent one for a day sometime during my stay and see how it goes.
But there are hardly any potatoes in Mae Sot. There are some things that there are very little of, I learnt that it's because the border has been shut off because of disputes between Thailand and Burma and that a lot of deliveries come from Burma so until the border opens back up again, there's no potatoes!
Today I started at CDC nursery. I went and Ku Paw, the headteacher of nursery said she was busy in the office and just to 'teach'. So I did what you do when you're put in that situation...sing Fischy music!! So we sang songs and went over them. Then I tried to do circle time, but they just don't understand it and so many of them are shy and will not speak. It's takes like 3 mins to get one child to say something with a class of 60 or somethin. Does not work in circle time with kids getting bored and mucking about.
After the kids slept the teachers washed their faces and covered them in talcum powder. Then they went off home. Rocky came to pick Ailsa up.
I decided to go to the after school English class. I didn't feel like doing it but because my motto this year is to seize opportunities - I did it. I said I wasn't gonna teach, just watch. Then he asked me to introduce myself, I talked about what I'm doing at CDC and Scotland and about me. They asked really good questions. It's nice just to have conversations with them and their English is fantastic, it's not like teaching, just chatting away. Really nice.
I cycled back along the Asia Highway and randomly turned off, thought I was lost but came out next to Borderline. So I went in and then me & Bobo went and had tea together.
Monday, 26 July 2010
I miss my mum!
So they board the bus and I get a phone call 3 mins later from mum crying, awww.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Burma - It Can't Wait.
I know some people have seen these before but I thought some people who havent might want to see them.
Some of them are pretty rubbish but there are some good ones.
The first is Will Ferrell talking about the situation in Burma.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Wee catch-up.

We had loads of questions for the Landlord, but she was lovely. The house won't be ready until September-ish, so on Saturday I'll move back into homestay until the house is finished. It's all very exciting.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
House Hunting
I couldn't believe how amazing these houses were, total luxury houses. I didn't know they had them in Mae Sot.
Trying to get as many options as possible, we asked Canadian Dave if he knew of anywhere and he pointed out to us a real estate lady opposite his shop. We went to her and she said she'd take us to a few places.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
When we got back we were hungry and Rocky had made some pasta so we dug in.
Then we walked back to Casa Mia and the teachers had their dinner. They had been to the border to cross to Burma that day and the Thai side told them that Burma was closed because they had 'problems in their Country'. What a joke.
So anyway, after Casa Mia we walked back to the DK hotel as it rained and rained :)
If you want to read my Mum and her teacher's Burma blog go to:
This is us on the tuk tuk to the border.
That's the bridge you cross to go into Burma. Burma is the side you can see.
The colourful house is strange, it completely stands out from the deterring houses to the left. The theory is that it's a show for the people coming into the country.
That night we went to visit Poh Cho and Ni Shar who are teachers coming from Say Ta Nar school to Scotland in October. They are husband and wife and are amazing people. They are so excited to come to Scotland and visit different schools to learn more about education.
Saturday, 10 July 2010
First day in Mae Sot
After, I cycled through the market to Hle Bee school. It was amazing to see everyone again and go to all my old classes. I went to see the baby and she was sleeping. I woke her up by being too loud and she was not a happy bunny. She is speaking though!
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Mae Sot 2010!
Went for a swim at the pool. There was a conference on with lots of Thai men that day and it just so happened that whilst we were lounging beside the pool, they had their lunch break. So about 60 Thai men walked past us to go to lunch next to the pool.
Then me, mum and Geoff went shopping, I got shoes and went for lunch at The Pub.
That night we went to the Migrant Learning Centre and spoke to the students there about us coming to Mae Sot. Then we went for dinner in town, it had the most amazing pizza. After, mum's teachers (Hannah, Katherine and Alicia) and I went to the night bazzar.
The Next day Hannah and I went for a wee swim, then we all went for breakfast and went to get the bus to Mae Sot. We spent all day on the bus to Mae Sot, lovely views!
Eventually, we arrived! Greeted by Lisa, Rocky, Jack and Ailsa! It was so lovely to see them all again. Little Jack and Ailsa were very sweet.
We got to the DK hotel and went out to Canadian Dave's for dinner. We met Lisa and their family there and our Guardian Angel came too! We had a lovely night and after we went off to bed. We were so knackered!
More tomorrow from today! x