Sunday, 16 August 2009

Saying Goodbyes

My friends just took me on a surprise night out to Frankie and Benny's! They are so lovely and it was definitely sad to say goodbyes. I'm going to miss everybody so much!

It's so hard to say bye to people because I haven't quite got my head around the fact that I'm leaving for a long amount of time..

Goodbye Papa & Jeremy the hamster!



  1. That was a lovely surprise from your friends Louise. Leaving's hard but just think of the friends waiting for you in Mae Sot, especially your little Burmese baby friend, Y Sander Way.

  2. "Squeak bye", says Jez the hamster

  3. Hey Louise- looking forward to reading your make sure you keep posting. Rowena

  4. Colin and Christine17 August 2009 at 01:22

    Hi Louise - hope the bugs have gone and you have a great flight

    Colin and Christine

  5. Hi Louise
    Safe journey and see you in Chiang Mai!
    Murray and Stewart

  6. Looking forward to following your blog and hearing more about Hle Bee after your Mum has set the scene!

    Safe journey


  7. Hi Louise,
    Contact me when you arrive in Mae Sot. I am currently in Mae Sot providing a training at Dr. Cynthia's CDC school. I will be here until 28 August. My number: 089-851-7162
    Dr. Thein Lwin

  8. Hey Louise just to let you know that Jez is already missing you very much and so are we. Have fun and a safe journey.Keep us posted.

    Love David,Veronica and Daniella [DVD] xxx

  9. Have a good trip Louise - we'll be there for you at this end if you need a natter and, as mum said, you should feel reassured that you really do have a lot of friends waiting for you a the other end....particularly those girls in Grade 6 who can't wait for you to arrive! Oh I wish I were chumming you! You can be 'email postie' and you can pass on the messages to our friends at Hle Bee - hurray!

    Safe trip - don't cough too much!!

    Love, Fiona x

  10. hope you have an amazing time, cant wait to see your pics


  11. Hello Louise we cant believe that your leaving today.We hope you have a great flights to Heathrow and then Burma are great.Well miss you so much.Keep us posted and send us pictures.

    Love David,Veronica and Daniella xxx

  12. Jez [and Daniella]18 August 2009 at 02:22

    Hewo Louise its me Jez i love and miss you so much.Nibble Nibble.See you when you get back

  13. Margaret Bury St Edmunds said Well done Louise for going on your great adventure. It will be a fantastic time and both to HlI Bee School and you will benefit.
    I look forward to seeing all your news and photos. Lots of love Margaret x

  14. That's your Aunty Margaret Louise.

  15. Hi Louise
    Looks like you are having a great time ,the pics are very good and we will follow your Blog on line.
    Best Wishes

    Aunty Kath & Uncle Jim xx

  16. Hi Louise

    We are really enjoying following your blog and the children are loving the fact that they can still see you.....even if you are far away!!

    Great to know you are having a fantastic time.

    Lots of love Dianne, Neil, Sarah, Shannon, Dylan and Hannah.....oh , and Rosie!!
