Wednesday, 26 August 2009

"We don't just teach how to sketch pictures, we teach how to draw dreams" Studio Xang Art for Migrant Children, Thailand

Also, sometimes when you try to comment, it says it cannot be processed. If you click post once again after that, it seems to work.


  1. Oh dear, you're making me want to join you and your mum and cry. That quote is so beautiful. You are so lucky to be with these wonderful people, they can teach us spoilt Westerners so much. Whenever you feel homesick you have to think that people feel so differently at home, and the spirituality over there is mind blowing. After the first couple of weeks, the next five months will go so quickly. And if nothing else, your blog has made me think of my travels and has given me really itchy feet. Don't think my four kids (plus husband and two dogs) would appreciate me leaving for foreign shores - very tempting though. Take care and keep blogging - I'm loving it.
    Gaynor x

  2. Thank you, my mum has been telling me lots of wise things you say and they help so much. I know it'll gradually get easier, I can't wait to start teaching in Hle Bee!
