Sunday, 30 August 2009


I saw my first ever elephant in Mae Sot!

Guardian Angel and I were driving on the motorcycle to Hong Long supermarket & we passed something really tall. So I looked back & there was a huge elephant standing in the middle of the one-way system! I practically screamed "Oh my god, there's an the road!" and everyone turned round to stare at me..and not the huge elephant! I suppose they see that all the time. GA says that they use the elephant to beg. That's a lot different from our people in Scotland begging with dogs, eh?

After shopping, I went home & noticed I had more patchy red bumps than usual around my legs and feet. So after many phone calls, GA took me to the pharmacy & she said I had gotten a mosquito bite & I had had a bad reaction and she gave me some anti-histamine tablets and cream.

Then we went to a village just outside of Mae Sot, where there was a big game of football and we picked up GA's friend and went back to his house to meet his mother! I was very excited because if GA's mother is anything like him, I would adore her. And she was lovely! It was so nice to meet her and they kept bringing me baskets of food that I would like haha. Very thoughtful. Cookies, biscuits, bananas. We are going out tomorrow to the night market for dinner, which will be lovely.

Then GA took me to buy a table for my laptop back at hong long. Earlier on in the day I had noticed that there was lightening & I appreciated how quiet it was and that there was no rain at all....Then it started POURING with rain. It was like being in a bath! So I got home & had a shower, not that I needed one as I could just step outside! I literally jumped every time the thunder came, it's unbelievably loud & it's still going..3 hours later. At least I don't have to worry about waking people up when I need to pee in the middle of the night because it's so quiet...Hannah.



  1. 'The elephant in the room' - a lovely metaphor. Indeed, any that contain imagery of animals is most thought-provoking - often leaves me wondering, 'who'd be so reckless as to leave an unattended zizhou in the room?'. Similarly, the phrase, 'water off a duck's back', has the same effect... poor little ducky... I bet it hadnt even aksed for a glass of water (or any other method this water was dispended to it).

    Who won at football? I hope the green team!!

    If you do choose to bring David and I a present home then we would kindly appreciate , respectively, a small monkey and a baby Zizhou. Shiels has confirmed she shall shortly begin erecting a monkey and elephant enclosure in the back garden (I moved my moldy bike so there is ample room).

    Time for a little humour - akin to the wee lassy in Jean Brodie who does cartwheels for some light entertainment - anyway, one, what do you call a fit man?.....Jim. Secondly, what do you a healthy man ? .... ManUel... How long will it take the penny to drop?

    Want to ken all the rage in ma life the now? Walk-in wardrobes!!!! Yip, that's how I'm rolling Lou'. No more of this little cave that I currently reside in. Instead of picking a shirt from my handsome mountain on clothes upon my floor, I'll be taking a walk ( yes, walk) into ma wardrobe and then selecting my garment for the day ahead ( it also doubles up as a place to lock you up when you're causing Shiels nothing but nusiance - her words; not mine!).

    Rambling? Yes, and for this reason I must bid your farewell Lou'. As I dont understand the correct usage of posting on a blog - someone needs to rethink that name - I can be forgiven for coming on here and having a wee spraff... Cant I? Cmon Lou... Forgiven? Yes... oh thank you Squeeze.

    Stick in hen. All dead proud.

    Lots of Love, Papa.

    Haaaaaaaaa, not really, It's John.

  2. .. who didnae spellcheck! Isn't your big brother sweet and nuts... imagine ... a lawyer!

    Hope the rash is better. Was going to sneak back into the blog and put up a photo of your rash but thought that may be pushing my luck a bit.. hee hee hee.

    LOVED the Democratic Voice of Burma video clip of OUR BURMA BOOK opening. I put it on What a woman I am for sneakily blogging where I ought not to!

    Papa says Aunty Cathy's been reading your blog. I am going to print it all off for him to read. He's happy to know you're alright.

    Love you. Mum

  3. It's a scabby elephant. It came past our hotel one night and it's all covered in a skin disease and they use it to beg with. Poor elephant.
