Wednesday, 21 October 2009

17th of August - The Dam

On the 17th (Saturday) I went to play with the kids and Lisa and Rocky's house. This was my last time at their house before they left. It was fun, we played most of the day until 4ish, then we all went to the dam again.

Jack's vampire teeth, why do they have these everywhere? It's like they're an essential item or something.
Ailsa and Jack tried my soda water and their reactions were hilarious.

The noh noh's climbing trees at the dam.

Noh Kerry and I went for a walk and found baby chicks.

Niamh and her baby Aina.

I showed Noh Kerry how to use my camera and she took a lot of photographs.

Ailsa swimming.


Jack being taught to fish.

Noh Kerry on the tree swing.
After, we went back to Jack and Niamh's house. The gate was locked and his Grandmother was inside the house. She couldn't find the keys, so Lisa climbed over to find them. Jack also tried to climb over, but he had a sore toe and got stuck on the wall. I found this very funny.

So we played Rummikubs (amazing game) and then I went home to pack.

1 comment:

  1. So Noh Kerry and I went for a walk..... who is this child? Can she be my daughter? A voluntary walk? You have changed. Hee hee.

    I've sent you about 13 pairs of vampire teeth and you could have got them there! Also sent witch's outfit, witch's fingers and other Halloweeny things. Guardian Angel told me on the phone how excited he is about dressing up for Halloween. Mum
