Thursday, 15 October 2009

The biggest catch-up you ever had.

Theres so many pictures, so I'll be brief with words. I'll try & date them.

My cutest little Grade 3 student on the right.

2nd of October.

Baby's crazy face.

Phyu Phyu Win's birthday! 3rd of October

We went shopping, then got food and went to the little pond my the Temple to eat again.
Then we went to Si and Phyu's house and found 14 puppies!

So tiny!

Play time - 4th of October.
Louise & baby.

Toto, meme and baby.

Louise & baby.

Toto's fabby photos.

I went to borderline and GA was eating.........................a chicken's foot!!!!!!

9th of October.
I went to visit GA at Borderline and met a man called Jim McNalis. He was teaching some of the artists how to make clay sculptures. They were amazing, each of them with their own personalities.

Jim is well known for his sculptures and is proud to be recognised for his work of General Than Shwe, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and others. His work is extraordinary and I was humbled to meet such a kind, enthusiatic man.
You can see pictures of his work here -
Jim working on his mini Than Shwe.

The artists picked the method up really well and produced fabby sculptures.

Little Than Thoo Zaw's mother.

Than Shwe.

10th of October '09
I made pancakes with GA and the woman who runs the Borderline kitchen.

Then I went to Lisa and Rocky's house and all the Noh Noh's made Mohinga for the Prayers the next morning.
Caro here's some weirdo animals..

Ailsa naked again, always naked. She is a water baby if ever there was one, showers probably 4 times a day and drinks water like a fish.

Noh Noh's making mohinga.

Ailsa on banana tree.

That night, we went to the dam (Mae Pa reservoir) with Rocky and Lisa and Jack and Niamh's families. It was so beautiful, we're going back on Saturday so I'll take lots of photos then. We ate there while the sun was setting. So gorgeous.

11th of October.
The next morning everybody gathered at Lisa & Rocky's house for prayers, then ate mohinga.
Rocky had been away in Chiang Mai for a few days and he brought back new outfits for Jack and Ailsa. They looked very cute in them and Ailsa loved the elephant on hers.

Aina - Jack and Niamh's little baby.

She loves sticking her tongue out. (I lost that bracelet!)

Noh Noh's with Jack.

(Older) Jack's grandmother with Aina.

12th of October.
Because some of the teachers were at training the week before exams, both the Grade 1 classes were put together. There were something like 83 children, with ONE teacher. Yan Yan was busy preparing for exams.

13th of October.
Burmese examination - no lesson planning, yay!

Mon Sein and his baby.

Teacher Phyu Phyu

Teacher Ei Ei Khine.

Later, I went to Borderline and saw little Than Thoo Zaw, he slept.

Then took many photos.

Then we made paper boats and let them float in the sink.

15th of October - today.
This morning I went to get breakfast at Canadian Dave's and his little grandaughter was downstairs, the first time I've seen her.
She is the tiniest little thing, a month old today. They were shaving her hair when I was there, they explained that they shave the baby's hair at one month and take it to the Temple.
Dave's wife, Chuley? I never know about spelling.
Mother and Father.
Then I went to the school and the chidren did their Maths examination. I marked some of Grade 2's English exam papers, will continue tomorrow.
Tonight I went out for dinner with the Canadians to a little Thai place and ate Pad Thai, it was actually good! Only 20 baht! 36p!
I'm off for just now, night night.
Ps. Post comments you ratbags, I posted a lot tonight!


  1. jeeeeez what a post! the kids all look so cute. i just had a look at our online yearbook and now i feel all sad! lol. I MISS YOU YOU CRAZY GIRL!!! xxxxxx

  2. Wow Louise, so many photos. Fantastic to see them all. What about GAs chicken foot? Minging. Lovely to see Jack and Ailsa and all the little babies. You're so good with all those children. It's the child in you! You just snuggle in beside them all.

    The reservoir is beautiful. We've never been there before. I wonder who you are going there with.

    Jim McNalis' work is awe inspiring. I posted some of his reply about what Seth said about his work on Campie website. Seth was so chuffed. The Burmese artists' work is striking. I see Than Thoo Zaw's mum at work.

    Sorry I didn't phone tonight. I was away seeing Fame with Nicky. :) "FAME! I'M GONNA LIVE FOR EVER!" Can you just imagine Nicky and I singing along? Hee hee.

    Talk tomorrow. Hle Bee and Campie both on holiday from tomorrow.

    Love you.


  3. Aww Rose, I miss you too. You're going away so SOON! The yearbook's really good, but I still wish we had our own ones =[ It's weird seeing everything we wrote on our profiles cause it was done agessss ago.


  4. We're all going back to the reservoir mother.

    I really REALLY don't want to imagine you singing along to Fame with Nicky. Really.

    I didn't realise how baby obsessed I was until this blog. Eeek!

