Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Happy Birthday Mumma!

On the 3rd of September, the grade 6 students and I made a birthday card for my mother.

Su Pone Chit loves drawing everywhere she can find a space.
The boys had a lot of fun with their fake nails..

Little Htet had so much fun.

This is the newly painted's almost as bad as ours at home!

Are you sure you didn't paint this mother? The duck is very you.

Happy birthday mum, we love you very much. Thank you for everything you do for all of us.


  1. My goodness, Louise, what a lovely, lovely birthday gift from my favourite kids and my favourite place in the world. You are such a wee sweetie.

    I love little Htet, Steeven and Sau Toung Chit Win's nails and, as you know, Su Pone Chit and I have a special bond so it's really nice to see her drawings. Tell her that the picture she drew of me is up on the wall in a P6 Campie class. I'll send a photo of it for her.

    Off to work but THANK YOU. It'll be lovely when the card arrives.

    Mum xxx

  2. and that duck is a LAING duck so who drew that. Weird....

    The kitchen is actually quite like ours so that should help you feel at home! Poor Thazin. She wanted white walls and those UK students painted them red and yellow!

