Friday 11 September 2009

There's not too much to blog about..

I've been helping out at the Mae Tao clinic for the past few days. We're filing all of 2007's receipts and everything. It is taking forever, but I oddly enjoy the filing. Very strange.
It's been so hot the past 2 days, think I need to drink more water.

I love being at the clinic because the girls in the office are really sweet. They all love that I am younger than them and they can call me little sister. 'Noh Noh' is big sister in Karen. So you would call them 'Noh' then their name.

Although the clinic is fabby and the people are lovely, I miss being around the kids. I can't wait till the weekend so I can visit the Grade 6 Minkalay (girls).



  1. I know you LOVE it when people comment and are disappointed when there's none so I'm posting one.

    It's quite an honour to be helping out at Mae Tao Clinic. It's an amazing place that Dr Cynthia and her teams have built up over the years. Lots of babies there too. So although you're not where you want to be right at the moment, you are in a good place. Khin told me there is a famous Burmese saying which goes something like 'We don't need to be where we are happy, we need to be in the place we should be in'. Khin says this is true for the Burmese people spread all over the world just now because they can't be at home. They want so much to be back home in Burma but for the time being, they have to be wherever they are and they should content themselves in that. And oh my goodness if they can do that, who are we to grumble when our little plans don't work out. Not that you're grumbling, which makes a pleasant change, moaning Minnie! hee hee. love you Mum

  2. Hey Louise, I've just caught up with your blog and I have to say I really admire what you're doing out there. Your mum must be so proud of you! Enjoy the experience, you will get such a lot from it not to mention the children that you are working with. A few hairy moments with the officials but you handled it with maturity you should be proud of yourself. Keep up the good work, I'll be following your blog avidly. Best wishes Carol (nursery nurse at forthview) x

  3. Hi Carol, that's nice. I miss you! Sheila
